
Sculptures and everyday objects

The craftsmanship of the Aosta Valley has ancient origins. During the winter agricultural work was suspended and people were used to craft everyday objects, toys for children, household tools, and farming implements using materials provided by the surrounding nature, such as stone and wood.

Today, artisan production in this region has reached a high level of excellence thanks to craft schools and talented artists.

One of the outstanding artists of the Aosta Valley lives in Saint-Oyen. His name is Siro Viérin and he discovered his passion for sculpture in his childhood and went on to become a professional artist. With numerous awards to his name, he has trained many enthusiasts throughout the region. One of his works is exhibited in the Open-air Museum of Étroubles, which is also the location of the ArtEtroubles sculpture school that organizes courses and exhibitions.

Etroubles Cultura